
7 ways of driving adoption of people analytics

Chances are that if you’re reading this, you at least suspect that people analytics is the way forward. Using people analytics allows businesses to review real-time data on diversity, new hire productivity, career progression, turnover rates, onboarding processes and more. Non-biased, data driven solutions can quickly and efficiently surpass other methods and businesses that use people analytics are ten times more likely to be very effective at providing insights to top leaders when compared to those without. You’re on board with the solution, so how do you get everyone else to adopt?

The below methods are just some of the ways you can help others see the light and boost adoption of analytics in your business:

  1. Create change agents – Consider who the change agents are in your organisation. Everyone has limited time and energy and people analytics typically requires a cultural shift in how people decisions are made so you need someone who can drive and influence behaviours across the organisation to be your overall project sponsor.
  1. Identify early adopters – most organisations phase the roll-out of new technology so find early adopters across different areas of the business who, along with the HR team, will become your people analytics champions. Work with them to understand their requirements – the time they have, their biggest challenges and the decisions they need to make – so their experience of using the platform aligns.
  1. Make an impact – As well as people analytics advocates, aim to deliver early examples that show the tangible impact it can have. Start with two or three people challenges and create small focus groups who can use the platform to access available data to understand the issue, create and track action plans and monitor the impact of decisions over time. 
  1. Start with the why – Once you’re ready to roll-out the solution to the wider business, remind users why you’re introducing people analytics and what this product can do. Share case studies and experiences from the early adopters and focus groups to convey how useful it has been. 
  1. Understand your audience – if you overload people with irrelevant data when they log in, you’ve immediately lost your audience. Consider the different types of user in your organisation. Whether they’ll be logging in daily, weekly or monthly, if they’re looking for high-level metrics or a deep dive into the data. Understand what’s driving different types of users and the questions they want to answer so when do they log in, it’s easy for them to get to what they need.
  1. Build trust – Trust is a big blocker to engaging with people analytics. Is the data complete and accurate? To build trust, some people analytics leaders suggest confirmation bias is the way to start. Find insights and reports that back up people’s understanding starts to build credibility. Then, look for opportunities to bring people data into conversations to help validate decision making.
  1. Two-way communication – This is a solution to help users make better people decisions, easily. Employees can be resistant to new technology for a number of reasons, regardless of the simplicity of the solution. Track and share usage data and use it to target people who are not engaging. Listening and responding to feedback is also integral to troubleshooting and fine tuning.

illumin8HR is designed to make people analytics easy. By providing a user-friendly platform for non-technical managers it makes driving adoption as simple as possible so that you can roll out an intuitive system across the board with ease. If you take away one thing from these seven tips then it would be to show the benefits. Show the data, show the platform and show how easy it is to use it.

Getting everyone onboard boosts the chances of successful adoption of HR analytics within your organisation. Take your first steps into people analytics with illumin8HR and watch it grow in your organisation by booking your own demo here.

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